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Centre for Hearing and Speech


Center for Hearing and Speech

How well do we listen, how clear do we speak? Growing up with impaired senses essential for communication may not be seen only as a handicap, but rather as living in a world of a different language. Social integration into a productivity oriented society with well established and structured systems is based upon communication and successful adaptation. People with impaired senses are objectively hindered to do so without major life-altering efforts that leave them deprived of time to focus on productive activities, necessary for gaining a social value.

Contemporary, virtually android medicine, can successfully provide a handful of helping devices and methods. Nevertheless, maybe it is not only them who should struggle to master communication we exercise. Perhaps it’s us, who should pick up a new language or two as well. If nothing else, the language of attention and patience.

Director and writer Rene Maurin, Director of photography Matjaž Wenzel, Editior Rene Maurin, Sound Andrej Hrvatin